"Gentle on the Land."
Meetings are held the Third Wednesday of each month at 6:30pm at 1975 S. Main, Clearfield, UT 84015
Chapter Officers
President: Linda Price | 913-709-8002 |Email me
Vice President: Don Bradshaw | 801-825-0097 |Email me
Secretary: Melody Beutler | 801-298-7023 |Email me
Treasurer/Membership: Lyn Taggart | 801-391-3248 | Email me
Chapter Calendar: Tarryn Galloway | 801-668-1792 | Email me
Public Lands Coordinator:Lyn Taggart | 801-391-3248 | Email me
Communications Representative: Linda Price |913-709-8002 | -
Trail Boss: Lyn Taggart | 801-391-3248 | Email me
Trail Boss: Don Bradshaw | 801-825-0097 | Email me
Trail Boss: Ron Hales | 801-776-1773 | Email me
Education: Vacant | - | -
JOIN Wasatch Front BCHU
May Meeting Minutes
Previous Minutes
Current Chapter Bylaws